Thursday, October 7, 2010

Under construction

Puppets come in all shapes, sizes, colors and textures.  I know some people who are going to make some puppets and I have a few ideas to share.

A puppet's form can be simple...

or complicated...

Either way I hope the end result looks something like this

Aren't they cute?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Guest blogger

Today we have a guest blogger

"TV interviews with T.A."

Today I interviewed people by asking a short question:

1. What is important to you?

Some answers I got were...

"uh, hmm.  Going on Facebook and...yeah.  Looking at games"

"My relationship with _____" (all names withheld)

"My family"

"I just like my job, I was working at a pizza place"

"I like having fun"

"having a family"

"Freedom of speech"

"everybody else to work hard"


"having a great time"

I support all the people who gave answers to the question.

Signing off