Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Photo journal: getting dressed

Sometimes getting dressed can be a challenge.  My entire wardobe is tie dye because that's what I like, but today I just couldn't get it right! 

Too much pink.

Too girly!

It's too warm to wear a scarf.

Too big!

Too plain...

Just right! 

I'm all ready for my day now.
Until next time,

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A day in the life

Hello, my name is Arthur.  I'm a puppet, but we aren't so different...

I start my day with coffee.

And I watch the news. I like to stay informed.

Might check my Facebook page...

Then I get to work!

My days are full of excitement, sometimes busier than others.  I will post photos and stories etc. as much as I can.  Thank you for visiting my blog!